Home - Reactivemos la Esperanza
About us

Desarrollo Humano Estratégico (DHE)

It is a company that contributes to human development, social solidarity, and shared prosperity
Reactivemos la Esperanza (Rekindle Hope) is an innovative project, which has managed to channel the generosity of the Costa Rican people, to help those you love to serve us in the tourism industry in Santa Cruz, Carrillo, and Liberia, who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.

Multiplying the proverbial loaves of bread


Support to local cafés, restaurants, and suppliers

Support to workers who hace lost their jobs


When you donate food dishes to the Rekindle Hope campaign you can be sure that everything is given to workers who lost their jobs in Santa Cruz, Carrillo, and Liberia. We will have the support of the Guanacaste Chamber of Tourism and CEPIA, a non-profit organization. The project is committed to accountability in the various aspects it comprises.


The first thing you need to know is that all processes and components of this Project will be audited by the internationally renowned company Ernst & Young (EY), which will assess handling of funds and quality of process management.


In addition, all donations will be registered in the Yo Me Uno Bank BAC Credomatic Platform. The bank account will be open and, on our website,, we will have counter reporting, in real time, the amount of resources received and the number of dishes we can afford for the benefit of the households.


Regarding payment to cafés and restaurants, the details will be public, including amounts paid to the businesses, indicating the number of vouchers exchanged by each one as payment for food dishes.


Also, a formal report will be issued every month and, at the end of the project, a detailed report will be issued with the amounts collected, what has been provide by businesses and details of the number of beneficiaries positively impacted by the various components of the project. This will be audited by EY and their external, independent reports will be made public.

Dishes donated

Reactivemos La Esperanza Rekindle Hope multiplies the proverbial loaves of bread

The Rekindle Hope Project promotes the multiplication of the proverbial loaves of bread. Each dish donated in solidarity is multiplied, as it feed the families of those who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and generated employment to feed to owner of local cafés and restaurants, their employees and, in turn, their suppliers in Santa Cruz, Carrillo, and Liberia. We invite you to help with a food dish, which sets in motion a never-ending chain of positivism and hope

Help Our tourism ambassadors

At Rekindle Hope we multiply the proverbial loaves of bread by helping the hungry, by generating jobs, and reactivating the economy.
